Pahzazz | Hip Hop Blues

Hip-hop Blues

We’re excited to announce the release of “Hip-hop Blues,” the debut album by our very own Pahzazz! Recorded and produced at Suburban Pro Studios, this album is the culmination of Pahzazz’s incredible journey and artistic evolution.

Pahzazz has been a part of the Suburban Pro Studios family for quite some time, and his dedication and passion for music shine through in every track of “Hip-hop Blues.” From poignant lyrics to soulful melodies, this album is a reflection of Pahzazz’s personal experiences and musical influences.

Join us in celebrating this milestone achievement for Pahzazz and Suburban Pro Studios. Be sure to check out the video below, where Pahzazz shares his thoughts and insights about the making of “Hip-hop Blues” and the journey that led him to this momentous release.

Experience the raw emotion and authentic storytelling of “Hip-hop Blues” by Pahzazz. Stream or download the album now and immerse yourself in the heartfelt sounds of an artist who wears his heart on his sleeve.